Dealing with the voices in the head!
The most difficult challenge for people going through divorce and separation relates to our own thoughts and emotions. As a result, its makes it hard to function as we used to, and impacts on our health and wellbeing. If not attended to effectively, it can have a snowball effect, and has a way of lingering for many years.
There is however some relatively simply strategies that will help with the difficult emotions and thoughts. It’s important to realise that thoughts happen whether you like it or not. But those thoughts are not necessarily a reflection of the truth. The mind is good at making up stories and creating drama that is often not accurate. If you develop a different relationship with your thoughts and emotions, they are less likely to cause you problems. If you start to shift the way you see your thoughts, and how you think, your emotions will start to shift for the better.
Focusing on the present moment
When we have trouble sleeping at night, its most likely because we are focusing on our thoughts. And most likely, those thoughts are not helpful or positive. And most likely, the thoughts are focused on the past or future. One of the most effective strategies to help us sleep and feel better throughout the day is to be present in the moment. If we are present, we cannot have anxiety or resentment. As yourself often, I'm I OK in this moment.
The following exercise will help you understand how to focus your attention on the present moment. If you are having trouble sleeping, this exercise will also assist. To complete the exercise, find somewhere comfortable to lay down, and simply listen. The exercise takes 30 minutes. If you find yourself stuck awake at night, simple play this link.
As the saying goes, if you want something different in life, you must do something different.