The value of gratitude when life gets tough!

When life gets tough, such stressful times relating to work, relationships, divorce, finance, health and family issues, we often become all consumed with the situation. Our focus becomes honed in on the problem, leaving little time for noticing good things that still exist in day-to-day life.

Our attention turns to the negative aspects, and we become lost in our thoughts which are often relating to the past or the future. With thoughts relating to the past often comes resentment and regret, whereas thoughts relating to the future comes anxiety. Despite how bad life may seem, if we ask ourselves "How am I right now?", the answer is often "OK" or even "good". Some would suggest that if we are breathing and have a heart beat, have food to eat, water to drink and a place to sleep, life is great. 

Often the simple antidote to what we perceive to be bad times is to practice gratitude. This means making an effort to notice what we have as apposed to what we don't have, and to pay attention to what is good in our life. Take a look at the following short five minute video for a taste of what we can be grateful for, and consider making it a habit to write down every day the things that are good in our life. 



Jeremy Limpens