High-conflict people (HCPs) have a pattern of high-conflict behavior that increases conflict rather than reducing or resolving it. This pattern usually happens over and over again in many different situations with many different people.
Read MoreThe truth is that there are many things that are more important in shaping our children than the methods and techniques we use to modify their behavior.
Read MoreWhen we have trouble sleeping at night, its most likely because we are focusing on our thoughts. And most likely, those thoughts are not helpful or positive. Check out this simply approach to dealing with the difficult thoughts and associated emotions.
Read MoreOften the simple antidote to what we perceive to be bad times is to practice gratitude. This means making an effort to notice what we have as apposed to what we don't have, and to pay attention to what is good in our life.
Read MoreAlthough the transition will be filled with emotional, financial and logistical challenges, in time you will be able to recognise it for the opportunity that it is – the chance to build a new future for yourself and your family.
Read MoreYou may think, at first pass, that co-parenting with your child’s stepmother is unreasonable. If you think about it, we get to know our children’s teachers, doctors, daycare providers, their friend’s and their parents, and anyone else involved with our children. Why wouldn’t you want to get to know the other mother in your child’s life?
Read MoreTamara Afifi is a Professor in the Department of Communication at UCSB. Most of her research focuses on how family members cope communicatively with various challenges they face. When examining her research program, two primary themes emerge: (1) information regulation (privacy, secrets, disclosure, avoidance) in parent-child and dating relationships, and (2) communication processes related to uncertainty, loss, stress and coping in families, with particular emphasis on post-divorce families.
Read MoreParental alienation is a devastating problem affecting millions of families around the world. Unfortunately, much like how we addressed domestic violence several decades ago, we treat parental alienation as a domestic issue rather than as a problem that affects communities, school systems, police and court systems, mental health and financial institutions, and legislative bodies. I will discuss how our social and cultural systems sanction and even promote parental alienation at the expense of our children, and what can be done about it.
Read MoreThis short interesting interview with Cordell & Cordell family law attorney Kelly Burris explains the 50/50 child custody bill that is currently making its way through the Texas legislature. Kelly explains how it reduces conflict when it comes to parenting arrangements and the ongoing care of children.
Read MoreIn many most cases of divorce, its important to attend to the emotional issues in the short term in order to get better outcomes in the long term. Services that use a Restorative Practice approach tend to gain better outcomes for all involved when it comes to 'mediation' and negotiation relating to parenting plans and property settlements.
Read MoreThis simple yet effective form of deep breathing defuses the stress feedback loop and teaches your brain and body to relax.
Read MoreIt’s far easier to say what we don’t want, or don't like in our former partner. Its easier to point out the other person's faults, rather than their worth. We allow ourselves to focus on the negative, despite the presence of positive. We also allow ourselves to be resentful, and that does not feel good. There is a better way.
Read MoreDivorce is one of the most emotionally difficult life events. As a result, difficult emotions like anger, confusion, fear, loneliness, and sadness, just to name a few, can arise. The key to overcoming these difficult emotions is mindfulness! Practicing mindfulness enables you to calm down and soothe yourself. Giving you the space to reflect and thoughtfully respond, rather than react.
Read MoreInfidelity is the ultimate betrayal. But does it have to be? Relationship therapist Esther Perel examines why people cheat, and unpacks why affairs are so traumatic: because they threaten our emotional security. In infidelity, she sees something unexpected — an expression of longing and loss. A must-watch for anyone who has ever cheated or been cheated on, or who simply wants a new framework for understanding relationships.
Read MoreThe thinking about men goes like this: Mental illness= instability= danger to children. This needs to change.
Read MoreKids don’t have to lose out when there’s a divorce. Bronnie Marquardt talks to parents who’ve found ways to help their kids thrive.
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